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Current projects

CentrÉS: Revitalisation urbaine et santé chez les jeunes Sherbrookois

In the wake of urban revitalization projects in Sherbrooke, particularly downtown, the main objective of the CENTRe-ville Équitable et en Santé (CentrÉS) study is to better understand how the physical and social environment of Sherbrooke neighbourhoods  influences the sense of neighbourhood belonging, social connections and well-being among young adults. The project also aims to determine whether these associations differ between social groups.

The primary goal of the CapaCITY/É team is to catalyze the implementation of sustainable transportation interventions, including cycling networks for all ages and abilities (AAA) and speed reduction interventions. Our Canadian and Australian team will expand cross-sectoral partnerships, build the capacity of municipalities and other key players, and develop tools to advance the science of healthy city implementation through the following objectives :

  1. Documenting the implementation process and results of two types of sustainable transportation interventions; 

  2. Examine the equity, health and mobility impacts of these sustainable transport interventions, both within and between cities; 

  3. Advancing the science of implementation by developing an evidence-based, equity-focused sustainable transportation implementation framework 

  4. Facilitate scaling up and scale-up of sustainable transport interventions by developing tools for stakeholders and building capacity. 


The INTERACT team evaluates various interventions in the urban environment of Canadian cities (Montreal, Saskatoon, Vancouver and Victoria) for their impact on physical activity, social participation and well-being, as well as on social inequalities in these health conditions. Interventions include, for example, a walking and cycling corridor in Vancouver, the cycle path plan in Victoria, the implementation of a rapid bus service in Saskatoon, and the sustainable development plan for the city of Montreal. Longitudinal data are collected from adults using questionnaires, GPS, accelerometer and a smartphone application (ecological momentary assessor). Qualitative sub-projects are also carried out on different themes depending on the cities under study.

Community resilience in the face of COVID-19

We are carrying out a study in partnership with the Observatoire Estrien du  développement des Communautés (OEDC) to analyze the COVID-19 response among the 9 regions of the Eastern Townships, highlight community resilience factors and establish best practices to better anticipate and respond to future social, economic and health crises.

Area of residence and social inequalities in health: alcohol sales outlets and consumption

This study examines the association between the spatial availability of alcohol and disadvantaged neighborhoods in Quebec, Canada. Focusing on dissemination areas (DAs) as the main unit of analysis, our analysis involves creating two units (cumulative opportunity measures and a spatial access index) based on liquor license and liquor store data obtained from the provincial agency, and relating these units to measures of social and material deprivation for each urban area. In so doing, this study should (1) describe social inequalities in health in different behaviours and health states (e.g., excessive alcohol consumption) among young adults; (2) assess the contribution of the neighbourhood environment to these social inequalities in health; and (3) explore the mechanisms by which inequalities in the neighbourhood environment may lead to social inequalities in health.

Research-action in social development in the Marie-Reine district of Sherbrooke

This project aims to expand the notion of partnership between university researchers (expertise in public health, health geography and community development), community organizations (e.g. ISDC, Corporation de développement communautaire, Observatoire estrien du développement des communautés, Centre Ismaili), local municipal and institutional players (e.g. City of Sherbrooke, École Marie-Reine, CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS) and a group of active citizens (Actions Marie-Reine). The project objectives are:


1. List the available evidence to identify catalysts and barriers to intersectoral collaboration in the context of neighborhood health promotion initiatives; 

2. Bring together a range of partners to identify potential catalysts and barriers to the development of intersectoral partnerships, and opportunities and priorities for action in implementing intervention plans in the context of the Marie-Reine district;  

3. Formalize an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral research team committed to better understanding and supporting cross-sectoral partnerships and collaboration for health-promoting neighbourhoods.

Evaluation of the Exit Doors Here program

We are conducting a process and outcome evaluation of Exit Doors Here, a program which aims to help women exit the sex work industry through capacity building and action on the social determinants of health such as housing, employment and access to health care. This study is being conducted in partnership with Elizabeth Fry Toronto and the MAP Center for Urban Health Solutions, St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto.

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