Martine Shareck Ph.D. | Université de Sherbrooke
Canada Research Chair in Urban Health Equity Among Young People

In the wake of Sherbrooke's urban revitalization projects, particularly in the downtown area, the main objective of the CENTRe-ville Équitable et en Santé (CentrÉS) study is to better understand how the physical and social environment of Sherbrooke's neighborhoods can influence young adults' sense of belonging, social ties and well-being. The project also aims to determine whether these elements diverge between different social groups.
Recruitment for phase 2 was successfully completed. A big thank you to the 950 people who answered the questionnaire!
Your answers will help us describe the health status of young adults and better understand their realities in the context of urban transformation in Sherbrooke. Your participation will therefore contribute directly to achieving health equity. Stay tuned, we'll be in touch in the coming months for the 3rd wave of data collection!
Recruitment for phase 1 has been successfully completed! Thank you to the 1,470 people who took part in the questionnaire!
Thank you to our partners
Sherbrooke 16-30 Springboard
Sherbrooke Youth-Employment Hub
Sherbrooke Coalition for Street Work
Intercultural actions
Downtown Revitalization Committee

Support resources
Do not hesitate to contact any of the following organizations if you need support.
1 800 263-2266
Info-Social : urgence psychosociale
811, option 2
JEVI - Centre de prévention du suicide – Estrie
(819) 564-1354
(819) 780-2222