Martine Shareck Ph.D. | Université de Sherbrooke
Canada Research Chair in Urban Health Equity Among Young People
Our vision: Healthy, equitable and sustainable cities inclusive of all
Our mission: To conduct rigorous and innovative research to produce knowledge to promote social and health equity among young people so that they can become engaged and resilient citizens, thus supporting the social, environmental and economic sustainability of cities and communities.
Our approaches and themes of interest:
The chair's work lies at the intersection of health promotion, social epidemiology and geography. Combining quantitative methods and qualitative approaches, we aim to generate conceptual, methodological, empirical and intervention-related knowledge concerning two distinct but synergistic fields: the creation of healthy, equitable and sustainable cities and settings, and the health of young people, especially those who are marginalized because of, for example, their socio-economic status, gender, ethno-cultural background, immigrant status. etc.
Adolescent and young adult health
Daily life settings
and urban environment
Program and intervention
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences shares Pre. Shareck's profile

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Good news!
December 2024: Justine Pineault has been awarded a research grant from the Quebec Population Health Research Network (QPHRN) for her project on perceived gentrification and mental health among young people!
November 2024: Clara Blache-Pichette appeared on Radio-Canada's “Moteur de recherche” program. She discussed some of her research themes, including citizen participation, revitalization and environmental justice.
July 2024: Martine (1) and Justine (2) attended the International Medical Geography Syposium in Atlanta. Their respective presentations focused on “(1) equity and inclusion and their consideration in Sherbrooke's urban revitalization project” & on “(2) preliminary results of the scoping review on healthcare, gentrification and equity”.
June 12, 2024: Martine will be a panelist at Vivre en Ville's Rendez-vous Collectivités viables. The theme of the day is “Équité et territoire: Pour des milieux de vie justes”.
May 9, 2024: The action-research project on social development in the Marie-Reine district is in the running for the “coup de coeur” from the CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS 2023-2024 Excellence award selection committee! Congratulations to the entire team!
April 30, 2024: Clara Blache-Pichette receives a grant from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC) for her master's degree and her research project on the inclusion of stakeholders and social groups in the urban revitalization project on the Wellington South Street in Sherbrooke.
April 30, 2024: Victoria Dorimain receives a Graduate Studies Excellence Scholarship from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMSS) for her doctoral studies and her project entitled “Do socio-ethnocultural factors influence the link between achieving movement recommendations and adolescents' perceived overall health?”.
April 26, 2024: The CentrÉS project is nominated for the Hippocrates Prize for innovative, interdisciplinary research projects and initiatives that create value in healthcare!
April 1, 2024: Sienna Longo wins a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for her Master's program! Her project will focus on social inequalities in ecoanxiety in young adults.
November 29, 2023: The second wave of data collection for the CentrÉS study is launched!
November 1, 2023: Martine had the opportunity to present the preliminary results of the key informant interviews (CentrÉS project) at the Congrès annuel de l'ordre des urbanistes du Québec! A great opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange!
October 26, 2022: The team presented preliminary results from CentrÉS' go-along interviews at the International Conference on Urban Health.
February 02, 2022:. We were awarded CIHR funding of $504,900 over 4 years to continue the CentrÉS study. Congratulations to the whole team!
December 07, 2021: Congratulations to Aristide, who has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the Institut Universitaire de Première Ligne en Santé et Services Sociaux to support his thesis on green spaces and health! More info here.